Thursday, January 1


So I learned all about rabies today while listening to NPR's This American Life with Ira Glass (which if you don't listen to, you should be!). Not only is it a terrifying virus which attacks the aggression centers in the brain causing people and animals to become enraged psychopaths that don't take no for an answer. It also ups the infected individuals adrenaline too, giving them Hulk-like strength and Superman pain thresholds. It is a fairly brilliant design of natural selection because the infected attack everything, spreading the virus further. Like zombies... umm...

So it turns out NY state has been having an epidemic of rabies for the last 15 years or so. But as Alex Bloomberg told his listeners (and because it scared me as much as it scared him), I am telling you ----

infected bats can bite someone in their sleep and not leave a mark, infecting the victim without them ever knowing. So if you catch a bat in a room you were sleeping in be sure to immediately get it tested and yourself. I know. Scary! Two of three human deaths in NY came from kids being bitten in their sleep... AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! But now you know. And can be paranoid just like me.


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